Friday, May 17, 2024




Perched atop Spartan Stadium, nestled near the press box, is an oasis for peregrine falcons, reminiscent of their cliff-side home.

Implemented by the Michigan State University Fisheries and Wildlife Club, the falcon nesting box project has provided a safe nesting space for the once-endangered peregrine falcon species every year since its move to Spartan Stadium in 2022. From May 6 to May 12, 2024, three more peregrine chicks have hatched as a result.

However, the path to this result wasn’t devoid of tribulations, Advisor of the Fisheries and Wildlife Club Jim Schneider said.

Schneider said it was discovered that peregrine falcons were in the area and were fond of the stadium during a construction project in the early 2000s.

“It's been known that peregrines were around or interested as far back as when they built the press box section on the left side of the football stadium,” Schneider said. “Birds actually tried to nest while the construction was going on. Before any of the glass was put in and when it was just i-beams and such that they were using. So, we had to believe that they wanted to do this.”

Yet, the falcon box had two other homes before it found its way to Spartan Stadium.

The box originally resided on the catwalk of a power plant that sat where the STEM building is now. The box was near where the peregrine falcons were found at the stadium, but was set up on a separate building and faced a different direction.

After that location was found to be unsuccessful, club members attempted to put it on top of Hubbard Hall because it’s one of the highest places on campus, Schneider said. However, the box still remained untouched.

At that point, club members began to listen to who they were placing the box for in the first place, Schneider said.

“Really, it was the birds that were telling us,” he said. “For some reason they really liked that spot. And it was like, ‘Well, okay. That's what they like. Let's see if we can give them a place to simulate a cliff’s ledge.’”

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